Five (5) Cool WhatsApp Features Unused By Most People @SketchTeck

WhatsApp has been the most commonly used social media platform in recent times. Everybody uses it. But the question is, do everybody know and use all the cool features? This post will uncover 4 cool features of WhatsApp that you will want to use.

You can try these out on your personal WhatsApp space to see how it works before proceeding to use them in an actual chat. How do I create a personal space on WhatsApp?

> Bold Text
Sometimes you will want to lay emphasis on some points as you type your message. This can be done by making the particular text bold to make it stand out.
To make a text bold, add a star ( * ) to the beginning of the text and another at the end of the text.
For example, *Hello* gives you Hello .

> Make Text Italics
Italics is also another way of making text stand out in your message. To make a text Italics, add an underscore ( _ ) to the beginning of the text and another at the end of the text.
For example, _Hello_ gives you Hello .

> Strike-Through Text
The strike-through feature comes in handy for notifying the other side that a certain text wasn't meant or was a mistake. For instance, if you wanted to say " Hello " but you mistakenly sent " Hell ", you obviously will want to correct that. The strike-through become necessary here.
To make a strike-through, add a tilde ( ~ ) to the beginning of the text and another at the end of the text.
For example, ~Hell~ gives you Hell  .

> Message a Number
Sometimes you just want to send something to someone whose number is not in your contact list. At first you can only WhatsApp your contacts so you have no other choice than to save the person's number. But now you can easily send messages to people without saving their number. This is how:

√ From the chats tab on your WhatsApp, tap the 3 dots at the upper right corner on the screen to show options
Five (5) Cool WhatsApp Features Unused By Most People @SketchTeck

√ Tap message a number
Five (5) Cool WhatsApp Features Unused By Most People @SketchTeck

√ Enter 233 followed by the person's WhatsApp number without the first 0. Example, 233541212121

Five (5) Cool WhatsApp Features Unused By Most People @SketchTeck
You can start your chat from there :)

> Share Location
Location sharing is a very important feature of whatsapp but is not used by the majority. This feature allows you to share your live location ( Shows your exact location as you move around town ), send your current location or send a place. This is very helpful in finding each other or meeting at a place.
For instance, If you have to meet someone in a town you haven't been before, sharing your live location will help you meet up.

How To Share Your Location
- Tap the share button in your whatsapp chat window.

Five (5) Cool WhatsApp Features Unused By Most People @SketchTeck

- Tap location. Note: You have to enable your GPS in order to get your location
Five (5) Cool WhatsApp Features Unused By Most People @SketchTeck

- You can then share you live location, your current location or choose a place to send

I hope these tips will be helpful to you in one way or the other
Cheers :)

Read Also: Create a personal space on WhatsApp to keep personal messages